- Pen and straight edge
- Highlighter
- Note paper
II. Purposes
- Study begins when you decide what you will learn. When you underline, you decide what you will learn.
- If you underline accurately, you will be able to review and make notes more easily.
III. Guides for underlining
A. Read an entire section first.
B. Do not underline too much.
C. Select information you want to learn to make into notes.
D. Make major points stand out clearly.
- Use numbers.
- Use double underlining.
- Use stars.
E. Make margin notes.
- Use key words.
- Use brief summaries.
- Make questions if you do not understand, so that you can return to that section.
F. Realize that introductions rarely contain material that needs to be underlined.
G. Turn major headings and sub-headings into questions.
- Underline the condensed answer.
- Answers may include information in:
- Topic sentences.
- Words printed in special type.
- Numbered lists.
- Pay attention to and be aware of words of transition, introduction, conclusion, and definition (in other words, accordingly, since, then, of course, but, yet, more important, likewise, besides, for these reasons, subsequently, afterwards, that is, that means, etc.)
3. Should see major facts in an outline form.
H. Use brackets when several lines are important to underline.
I. Use numbers when a series of ideas are important.
J. Mark a question mark beside unclear sections of information.
K. Write down questions in your notebook for class that you have for the Professor.
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