Friday, September 17, 2010


Scholar's Mate:
Fool's Mate:
Some Opening Principles and Chess Strategies
  1. It is Better Chess Strategy to Develop the Knights before Their Respective Bishops.
  2. A good chess strategy is to Develop Both Knights before the Queen’s Bishop.
  3. A good chess strategy is Do Not Develop your Chess Pieces Exclusively on One Side.
  4. A good chess strategy is as a Rule Do Not Play a Piece beyond Your Own Side of the Board in the Opening.
  5. A good chess strategy is if You Have Castled Do Not Permit the Opponent to Open a File on Your King.
  6. A good chess strategy is to Avoid Pinning the Opponent’s King’s Knight before He has Castled, Especially When You Have Yourself Castled on the King’s Side.
  7. A good chess strategy is to Avoid Making Exchanges which Develop Another Piece for the Opponent.
  8. A good chess strategy is to Avoid Exchanging Bishops for Knights Early in the Game.
  9. A good chess strategy is to Avoid Premature Attacks.

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