Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Where is my Time Going?

To improve your time management, you first need a clearer picture of how you use your time. The survey below will help you estimate how much time you spend on typical activities. Please estimate the amount of time spent on each item. Once you have this amount, multiply it by seven.
  1. Number of hours of sleep each night _______ x 7 = _______
  2. Number of grooming hours per day _______ x 7 = _______
  3. Number of hours eating & preparing meals _______ x 7 = _______
  4. Number of hours on chores & errands _______ x 7 = ______
  5. Number of hours per day socializing _______ x 7 = _______
  6. Number of hours spent on media (TV, music, video games, surfing the net) _______ x 7 = ________
  7. Number of hours spent on communication (Phone, e-mail, text messaging) _______ x 7 = ________
  8. Travel time weekdays _______ x 5 = _______ Total travel time weekends ______
  9. Number of hours per week for regularly scheduled activities (clubs, church, poker, softball, etc.) ______
  10. Number of hours in class per week ______
  11. Number of hours of work per week _______
  12. Other (please specify __________________________) _______
  13. TOTAL _______

Subtract the above number from 168: 168 - ______ = _______ (potential study hours)
Credit hours you are taking: _______ x 2 = _______ (hours you should study per week)


**The very rough rule of thumb is that you should study twice as many hours as the number of credit hours you are taking. If the survey indicates that you don’t have as many potential hours as you need for studying, you will probably want to cut back on some of the activities listed above.

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