- Study Methods (mastering subject matter not just A grades)
- Master Time Management (handle +4 subjects within 40 hr work week)
- Science Lab Volunteer (Impress Prof. for top recomm letter)
- Scholistic goals: +3.70 GPA + 40 MCAT
- Outline and Plan Transcript program
- Volunteer Pediatric Office (summer)
- Career Center - Set-up Recommendation Letter system
- Prof. Recommendation Letters - "Exceptional Student" Can Handle difficult & demanding courseloads
- Register BC Honors Program (class distinction and free ride)
- Learn to drive
Get Free 4yr college ride s/ship (honors program) - No Loans, no debts
MCAT - 3 mth study program (2yr BC program)
- Read AAMC Mcat Guidlines http://www.aamc.org/students/mcat/
FAU - 4 yr college
- Plan Major & Minor (non-science Major)
- register pre-med dept & advisor
- apply honors program (Class distinction and free s/hip)
- Plan clinical/research experience/ interships
- FAU shadow doctor program
- Interview role playing clubs (pre-med / debate / speech)
- Toastmaster Program
- Register Medical Minority Applicant Registry http://www.aamc.org/students/minorities/resources/medmar.htm
Scholorships - build med school funds
- apply all programs
- research/work related programs
- School/govt work related programs
Med School App
- Essay
- Interview Techniques
- Recommendation Letters
- All FL public Univ
- Pass/Fail med school grading system
- Types
- attending phy (hosp dr)
- Starting Salaries
- Years of Residency
- Mal Practice Ins & most sued Specialities
- Future of Specialities (obsolete & new growth specialities) - cutting edge specialities
- Fellowships (starting salaries & program hours)
Federal Subsidized Loan Programs
- Stafford Loans
- Gov funded programs
- Cutting edge specialities
- best method to getting accepted top specialities
Private Practice - Financial & Management
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