Tuesday, August 25, 2009

How to stay awake while studying

#1: Don’t get too comfortable. Forget about studying in bed or on the sofa. Your brain has been trained to sleep there, not studying. Don’t waste your serious study time there.

#2: Get enough rest before. To avoid getting sleepy, make sure you have enough sleep first. Avoid overnighters, else you have to pay back. It’s like credit card.

#3: Exercise daily. This one is obvious. Keep your body and mind healthy and you will be able to stay focused during studying.

#4: Avoid sleep too much. Sleeping too much makes you feel sluggish all day long, your study will not last.

#5: Take breaks. Use the 50-10 rule, study 50 minutes and reward yourself 10 minutes break. Don’t go for marathon study. It does not work well anyway.

#6: Use rich media. Instead of boring reading, try to find the rich-media tutorials with visual, auditory and hands-on. This will engage you more into the learning. You will forget about sleeping when learning is fun.

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