Thursday, October 22, 2009

How To Conduct Google Essay Research

  1. Use Google search to specifically and briefly ask a question: (who, what, why, when, where, how). That is, phrased your subject/topic into a Google search question
  2. Avoid information overload. Pick articles that are (1) from reliable sources .edu, .gov, .org are not-for profit sites, and tend to be written by experts in the field. (2) Choose short articles - less than 1-2 pages (side page cursor should be large), (3) preview article page: is the page well organized, looks professional, or cluttered and filled with advertising? Is it article well thought-out, looks like a university/museum-type piece, written by a prof.?
  3. Copy and paste (1) parts of article into word, and (2) copy and paste web link to cite references later on
  4. When reviewing a web page article - search for interesting bits of ideas/info that is directly related to your Topic. That is, quickly scan article for ideas that is maybe relevant to your Topic. Copy and paste. Goal is to identify only ideas that can be used to build your Research Paper (no different than a library research)
  5. The premelinary web serach and rough draft of your essay should take no more than 1 hour. The steps to polishing and finalizing your essay is where the bulk of your time should be spent (-2 hours?)
  6. Note: the primary goal of your web research is to spark ideas. You have to re-interpret these ideas and reshape it using your special knowledge and unique understanding. A vast topic, such as, the history of whaling, can lead-off into many different facets. You have to be able to pick 1-2 ideas and expand upon it. Example, the mass extermination of whales was driven by the human need for whale oil and its bones. Here you can focus on the human need. This is how web search and site review can help you gather and formulate ideas by sparking your imagination. And not robbed you of your originality and unique thinking.
  7. By sticking to a standardized essay template, you will then be able to quickly and efficiently create a rough draft, thereby allocating the bulk of your time to polishing your essay


Anonymous said...

If you want to conduct you google research . Here i show you how to conduct google research through this blog. Which is good in the time when you are facing all of the problems in all the time.

Anonymous said...

Make sure that you are working on google. Google have some security reasons and all of these website reasons is geniune from the site of google. And we just need to work under all of these reasons.

Unknown said...

In that time when i trying to conduct my google research page. Then in that time i find many problems i write a blog on all of these problems which you can easily check on this site. But now i remove some of these problems here.

mikon said...

Research of the Google is cried out for the struggle of the people. The movement of the terms and approach of the is vital for the humans. the conduct of the research of the Google is put forward for the instrumental value for the persons.

mikon said...

Goggle conduct and all rightly conveyed items have been done for the humans. The chapter of the conduct and visits of the is mixed for the humans. The need is done for the approval of the documents or the humans.