Monday, October 26, 2009

"Top 10 List: Pieces of advice for pre-med students"

10. Have a backup plan...
9. but don't give up if you don't get in your first time.
8. If you do get in, don't do anything the summer before you start classes.
7. Know what doctors do before you decide you want to be one.
6. Know what other health care professionals do before you decide on medicine.
5. Don't kid yourself: Training to become a doctor is one of the most difficult things you can do.
4. There is much value in reading the online medical blogosphere.
3. Make sure that going into medicine is your own decision.
2. Marks come first. You can always add volunteer activities after you graduate; you can't go back and increase your undergraduate GPA.
1. Be 1000% sure that medicine is what you want to do.

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