Sunday, October 11, 2009

Planning a Writing Assignment

  1. Fact: 2.25 pages of notebook = 500 words = 33 Sentences
  2. Plan 1-2 days the assignment, before actually beginning. This will allow you to (1) Follow-up with Prof with any questions about the assignment, (2) Give yourself enough time to mentally rehearse, research and develop ideas rather than all in one sitting, (3) Time to work in piecemeal, rather than attempting to complete the entire assignment in one big gulp, (4) Time to assess and review your progress before, during and upon final completion.
  3. Plan Total Time - based on past experience, how much time do expect to spend on the assignment
  4. Upload/re-write any on-line instructions/assignment syllabus to Word - this way you will outline the Prof's specific instructions, for clarity and comprehension
  5. List/bullet each specific instructions to clearly understand what is expected of you. Any questions follow-up with Prof.
  6. For "each" paragraph/page - bullet each concepts you will be writing about. This will organize your ideas in a coherent, step-by-step process, and give you a road map to stay focus and to work in piecemeal.
  7. Begin working on assignment in piecemeal - in between other projects, and as time permits. Don't attempt to finish in one sitting. Leave yourself time for the final review, after your mind has cleared, and you can refocus on the assignment
  8. Transcribe notes directly into Word for easy storage, retrieval, and massaging.

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